Sydney Workshop


SURRY HILLS | 12:00PM - 4:45PM

Earlybird tickets: A$450 (incl. GST)

Join me for an intimate 2-day workshop designed to help you reconnect, reflect, and reimagine your future with the tools of self-compassion and a renewed sense of clarity.

Over the course of two transformative days, you’ll gain deep insights into the patterns that are keeping you stuck, nurture a more compassionate and honest relationship with yourself, and create a meaningful vision for the future you desire.

What to Expect

In our two days together, we’ll cover:

  • Cultivating Self-Compassion: Learn how to befriend your inner critic, allow yourself to be seen & known, and become an ally to yourself in growth.

  • Discover Where You’re Stuck: Through guided exercises and reflective practices, we’ll identify the areas of your life where you feel blocked, and begin to untangle the beliefs and habits that have kept you there.

  • Build Your Vision for the Future: Leave with a concrete plan to bring your vision to life. You’ll map out actionable steps to align with your desires so you can translate learning into real-life shifts.

What You’ll Get:

  • Expert Guidance: Work closely with me in an intimate setting (max. 20 people), where you’ll have the opportunity for personalised feedback and support.

  • Interactive Workshops: Participate in engaging activities, journaling exercises, and group discussions that foster deep self-exploration and growth.

  • Connection with Like-Minded Individuals: Share this experience with a likeminded group of people who are also seeking to grow, heal, and transform their lives.

  • A Clear, Actionable Plan: By the end of the workshop, you’ll have a roadmap for the next steps in your personal life, with practical tools to support your ongoing journey.

This two-day workshop is for you if:

  • You want to cultivate a deeper sense of self-compassion and embodied self-worth.

  • You aren’t afraid to take responsibility for where you might be keeping yourself stuck.

  • You’re ready to get vulnerable and go deep.

  • You crave clarity and are ready to build a vision for a fulfilling future.


  • Date: Saturday 30 November and Sunday 1 December

  • Time: 12:00pm - 4:45pm

  • Location: Surry Hills (exact location to be provided upon sign-up).

  • Price: Earlybird tickets are A$450 (incl. GST).